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i disegni dell'artista noto su DeviantArt come CJEdwardsArt, ma costui sembra avere un amore particolare per i nostri MOTU: questa volta si è divertito a immaginare una (lunga) serie di mash-up con i personaggi dell'universo DC! Godetevi queste piccole chicche! Alcuni sono così perfetti che sembra assurdo non averci pensato prima!
L'autore ha anche accompagnato ogni disegno a una breve biografia del personaggio rappresentato. Anch'esse sono interessantissime quindi le riporto in didascalia a ogni immagine... ma in inglese, perché sono pigro e non ho avuto voglia di tradurle tutte, sono troppe!
Riuscite a indovinare tutti i personaggi "mashati"? A me qualcuno sfugge...
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
"Kindly Kingdom" - Benevolent rulers of the lush world of New Eternis, King Randor and Queen Marlena had everything they could hope for - save for a child. But where nature had denied the loving couple, Fate had intervened. As they rescued the infant child wrapped in red fur from the wreckage of the smoking ship, the Queen caressed his strange skin and whispered, "Clark. Your name shall be Prince Clark." |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Last Power Sword of Krypton” – The strange infant from another world was not the only visitor to New Eternis. Half a world away, in the frozen wastelands of the Dark Tundra, a crystalline sword stood. It was covered with strange sigils and harboring an alien glow. A lone falcon watched over this mysterious weapon, for Fate alone knew its true power. |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Sorceress of Fate” – A piercing glow radiated from the strange falcon, as if lit from within. The blue and gold feathers melted away, and in a burst of power, the Sorceress of Fate emerged! Welding the power of Order and shielded in the helmet of Nabu, immortal Inza had been tasked with ensuring Fate’s role in saving the Multiverse. She knew the Power Sword would either be the Multiverse’s savior or destroyer, depending on who possessed it. |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Prince Clark” – The young Prince of New Eternis always knew he was different. Besides his faithful dog, Krypto, no one really knew Clark. He worked hard and always helped everyone he came across, but he always felt he was meant for more than the life of royalty. Little did he expect the changes that Fate would have in mind for him! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“The He-Man of Steel” – As Prince Clark took the Power Sword from the Sorceress of Fate, he felt a shock of pure energy course through him. The crystal blade began to glow and hum. As he held the Power Sword aloft, strange lightning from another world crashed down around him! When the smoke and light had cleared, he had been transformed into a being of pure power and strength. “Behold the truth, Prince Clark”, the Sorceress revealed, “Your true identity is that of Kal-El, the He-Man of Steel, and if you do not act swiftly, you shall be the Last Son of New Eternis!” |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Mount Apokolips” – As the Power Sword was engaged in a bright flash of lightning and energy, on a nightmarish world opposite New Eternis, fires began to rage deep inside the heart of Mount Apokolips. Long abandoned by its previous masters, the Old Gods, Mount Apokolips had been awoken by the presence of the Sword, and the Fire Pits of the dark planet sprang to life with pure molten lava pouring through the veins of the black fortress. From within, a cruel laugh began to emerge –“Finally. The secrets of the Castle of the Gray Skull shall be mine!” |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Skellex” – Stepping from his throne deep inside Mount Apokolips, its new master smiled a cruel, bony smile. He had encountered Kryptonian power before, as one of the founders of the Kingdom of New Eternis, and the power had found him lacking. The strange green rock had robbed him of his form, leaving a glowing green husk of a man. Using his unlimited scientific knowledge, he fabricated himself a Power Suit to contain his energy – as well as forming some of the crystal into his new Havoc Staff. He was no longer a simple man; he was now Skellex - Criminal Genius and Lord of Destruction! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Battle Hound” – “Now, Kal-El,” said the Sorceress of Fate, “In your never-ending battle against evil, you will require allies, and none can be greater than your most loyal companion!” She instructed Kal-El to turn the Power Sword to his faithful dog, Krypto, and once again, the blade emitted pure energy in a flash of lightning. In Krypto’s place now stood the mighty Battle Hound! As the Sorceress took to her falcon form, Kal-El took to the saddle of his powerful steed, and the trio flew off to the far stretches of the Dark Tundra – where the Castle of the Gray Skull waited silently |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Castle of the Gray Skull” – As the He-Man of Steel approached the icy mountain full of strange crystals and mechanical structures, he remembered the Sorceress of Fate’s words: “Here lies the Castle of the Gray Skull! Long buried in the ice and rock of the Dark Tundra, its secret power lies from beyond the stars. Your Power Sword can both channel its secrets as well as unlock them, and one of their secrets would unleash an evil greater than you can comprehend! So, Kal-El, serve this lonely Fortress of Solitude wisely – for it is both your greatest weapon, as well as your worst fears realized should it fall into the wrong hands!” |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“The Beast Grodd” – Skellex knew he would need allies if he was to claim the Power Sword and harness the fury of the Gray Skull. His first would be the fearsome Beast Grodd! A result of speaking through his animalistic growl, the self-proclaimed “Grodd” of all Beasts possessed both immense intellect and great strength. Obsessed with controlling all of the beasts and creatures of the dark planet, Grodd would take portions of their brain matter and consume it to enter their minds. Able to control various animals and monsters via his telepathic powers, the Beast could not refuse the offer that Skellex laid before him – the power of the mighty Battle Hound! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Man-Of-Bats” – The He-Man of Steel would not be alone in his never-ending battle on New Eternis. Upon returning to the Kingdom, he was approached by the grizzled head of the Royal Army, Duncan Wayne. As a boy, Wayne had seen his lands and his family destroyed by the rampaging forces of the Arkham Horde, and vowed to strike evil from the world. Taking the mantle of the very Horde Bats that accompanied their legions, he provided New Eternis with all new manner of weaponry, vehicles, and gadgetry as the legendary darkest knight - the Man-Of-Bats! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Mer-Master” – While Skellex and the Beast Grodd were adept at science, what the Evil Legion of Warriors would require now was a powerful sorcerer. From the dark depths of the Sea of Rakash came the Mer-Master! Once the half-brother to the ruler of the undersea kingdoms of Rakash, the man called Orm was twisted and changed into the monstrous Mer-Master after harnessing the dark black magic of the Deep Ones. With his vast knowledge of sorcery, the Mer-Master began to weave the perfect spell to fight the new Masters – he would clone the very essence of the Sorceress to form the perfect goddess warrior to serve Skellex! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths](
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Wonder Warrior” – Originally created by the evil sorcerer Mer-Master by infusing a black magic clone of the Sorceress of Fate with special clay from the shores of the Sea of Rakash, this warrior goddess broke free of her Dark Gods’ power and chose to serve the side of the Masters. Adopted into the New Eternis Royal Family, Princess Teela now goes by the nickname “Wonder Warrior”, and uses her super strength, cunning battle experience, and sheer unbeatable will to defeat the forces of the Evil Legion of Warriors! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Evil-Ivy” – As one of Skellex’s most powerful members in his Evil Legion of Warriors, the witch known as Evil-Ivy possesses not only dark magic but also absolute control over all manners of flora. Poisoned in her youth by the diabolical Floronic Seed, Ivy was saved by the power of the insane leader of the Arkham Horde before his banishment. While her power was critical to saving his life and giving him a new form, Evil-Ivy’s allegiance to Skellex exists only because she seeks to use his power to find a way to unleash her mad master from the Fright Asylum and unleash the Horde upon New Eternis once more! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Ork-Oa” – As mysterious as they are powerful, the ancient Trollan Guardians watch over the Multiverse and defend it from evil using the energy of their magic focused into Power Rings. When the Guardian of New Eternis perished during the Spell of Banishment, his Power Ring passed to his young nephew, Ork-Oa. Though inexperienced and prone to making mistakes, the child-like optimism of this Guardian helps to drive his limitless imagination – making him one of the most powerful Masters On Infinite Earths! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Why-Clops” – As a victim of one his mad master’s “practical jokes” that robbed him of his optic nerves, this exceptional inventor and former Horde swordsman created his own special visor to restore his vision and escaped the Fright Asylum to join Skellex’s Evil Legion of Warriors. Now known as Why-Clops, he creates intricate death-traps, weapons, and new technologies in the quest for answers to his deadliest questions! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Chargor” – Originally a lone bruiser from the Badlands of New Eternis, the human battering ram known as Chargor was forever changed when he was struck by a mystical lightning bolt! Though he must use his speed in small bursts to avoid burning up his body and metabolism, the massive Chargor can move faster than the speed of light as he crashes through the walls and barriers that try to close in around the good people of New Eternis! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Death-Trap” – Once a master assassin from another dimension, the mercenary Slade had been summoned by Skellex in his early days to help aid in his fight against the founders of New Eternis. When Slade tried to betray his master, Skellex all but destroyed his original body, and had the cruel genius Why-Clops rebuild him into a patchwork cyborg. Losing all of his sanity but none of his murderous instinct, the monster now known as Death-Trap possesses not only a wide variety of interchangeable weapons, but the skills to take any of the Masters on “one-on-one”!
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Hawk-King” – As Skellex’s forces grew, the Masters knew they would need to turn outside of their own kingdom for more allies. Ruler of the Bird People of Thanavion, Stratar-Hol would more than rise to the occasion – thanks to his armies of Thanavion soldiers and his endless armory of Nth metal weapons. Rumored to be a sort of immortal due to his ability to be reborn after each life-cycle, the Hawk-King would lend much strength to the Masters’ cause! Little did the Masters suspect that as they reached out to the good leaders of New Eternis, a new dangerous new foe would arise from deep beneath Mount Apokolips!
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Webstarro” – Long trapped in the caverns beneath Mount Apokolips and awoken from his slumber by Skellex, the evil Star Conqueror known as Webstarro had used his legion of spores to be his eyes in the galaxy, seeking out new worlds to quietly slip into and control, when he was defeated and sealed into his prison by the ancient Elders of New Eternis. Seeing an opportunity, this master spy entered into an uneasy alliance with the Evil Legion of Warriors – ever waiting, ever watching – for the opportunity to spread his mind-control spores over all of the Multiverse! Elsewhere, deep in the Sea of Rakash, the arrival of the hive-mind of Webstarro awoke an even more powerful force… |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Aqua-Fist” – Possessing both the fury and tranquility of the very ocean he rules over, King Arthur Curry is one of the Masters most powerful members! After losing his hand in a vicious attack by his monstrous half-brother, the Mer-Master, King Curry was outfitted with an ancient Rakashian artifact that allowed him to channel the power of the seas through his own enchanted hand – making all evil fear the might of the Aqua-Fist! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Impoztor” - In an effort to counter the strength of the He-Man of Steel, Skellex combined his sorcery and the mechanical genius of Why-Clops into making the perfect doppelganger to aid the Evil Warriors! Unfortunately, being unable to duplicate the unique DNA of Kal-El resulted in a bizarre new warrior - Impoztor! With very little intelligence but unlimited strength, invulnerability, and ruthless loyalty to evil programmed into his broken form, Impoztor is the true opposite to New Eternis’ greatest hero! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Plastinek” – After facing the mechanical might of Impoztor, the Man-Of-Bats knew the Masters would need more might added to their forces! Drawing on a pool of volunteering soldiers injured from Skellex’s attacks, Duncan found an ally in the slippery ex-thief and expert spy – Mek O’Brien. Known for his ability to slip in and out of enemy lines, Duncan rebuilt his injured neck and spinal column to allow Mek to stretch his spying abilities to all new heights as the amazing Plastinek! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Doom-Lash” – Kal-El was not the only being on New Eternis with Kryptonian heritage. Little did he know, but centuries ago, the monstrous beast known as Doom-Lash was created by the ancient scientist Kra’al, trying to develop the ultimate weapon. When the monster proved to be uncontrollable, he was sealed into a massive rocket chamber and fired into deep space. Landing deep within Subternia, the creature slumbered - waiting for the day he could break free and seek revenge on his alien captors by covering his spikey bone covered tail with fresh Kryptonian blood! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Man-E-Hunter” – Man…Monster...Martian! A refugee from a dead world, alien J’onn J’onzz hid in plain sight as one of New Eternis’ greatest actors. Able to take the form of any being, J’onzz relished his opportunity to walk among “normal” people – until the day that Skellex used a spell to expose him as the monster he feared he always was! Thankfully, with the help of a special suit of armor crafted by the Man-Of-Bats, J’onzz can now control his monstrous side as well as his shape-shifting abilities as the newest ally to the Masters – the Man-E-Hunter! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Gass-Or” – A villain without a home, the fearsome master of fright Gass-Or was once a simple Paleezean scientist who became obsessed with the nature of fear and was banished from his village for his unethical experiments. After stealing some supplies from the lab of Why-Clops and accidentally exposing himself to highly toxic new fear gas, he was transformed into a walking nightmare that oozed noxious terror-inducing fumes! Though he has fallen in with the Evil Legion of Warriors for now, Gass-Or works only to spread his own form of terror until he can find the way to his perfect world – the horror-scape known as the Fright Asylum! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Rob-Alloy” – When the fearsome Gass-Or attacked the Royal Palace, leaving all living things trembling in terror, palace archeologist and scientist Dr. Melaktha Magnus assembled his own warrior to defend the citizens. Combining metal sculptures of ancient warriors with a heart-shaped “Responsometer”, Magnus sent his robotic ally - or “Rob-Alloy” - into battle. Using the strength of Iron and Lead legs, the fluidity of Platinum and Gold arm weapons, his resourceful Tin brain, and the smart remarks of his Mercurial mouth, Rob-Alloy saved the day and joined the Masters as their latest weapon! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Two-Big” – Originally some of the fiercest bounty hunters in the Multiverse, the tag team of the gold-hungry undead warrior Grun-Dar and the telepathic cult leader Des-Perah were originally hired by Skellex to take on the He-Man of Steel. After facing only defeat against the assemblage of the Masters, Skellex punished the two by magically fusing the hulking beasts together into the dueling destructor known as Two-Big! With the simple minded zombie and the cunning mind-controller now combined, they form an even more dangerous foe – provided they stop fighting each other! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Moss-Thing” – After losing his life to Evil-Ivy’s fury during a failed effort to force him to help expand her plant control powers, innocent scientist Alek was assimilated into the very life force of New Eternis and reformed into the all-powerful Moss-Thing! Now a peaceful shepherd for all natural life of the Multiverse, the camouflaged elemental lurks in the Evergreen Swamp – but if the forces of evil ever rise, then they will face the fury of the Moss-Thing! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“The Bee-Mon” – Ever loyal to his queen and kingdom, the Andreenid knight Jazzzon watched in horror as Skellex’s forces laid waste to the mighty fortresses of their Mystic Mountain hives. In desperation, Jazzzon used forbidden Andreenid tomes to summon the fiery fury of the ancient Zztrigan – bonding the monster to his own flesh to save his people! After successfully turning the tide, Jazzzon swore his allegiance to the Masters and is always ready to speak the forbidden words to summon his darker half for the side of good as the fire-flinging Bee-Mon! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Kopper-Khan” – A master contortionist and escape artist, the poisonous assassin Kopper-Kobra proved to be one of the slipperiest prisoners at the security cells of the New Eternis palace. Using his multiple double joints, Kopper-Kobra slipped out of his restraints and made his way to Mount Apokolips to offer his mastery of venoms to aid Skellex in his campaign of terror. Little did the evil sorcerer know that Kobra served his own master, and that another foe would soon be unleashed upon New Eternis! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Granny Snake Face” – Freed by Kopper-Khan from the Source Pit where they were imprisoned beneath Mount Apokolips, the ancient Snake Gods are not content with merely destroying lands and townships, but also seek to destroy the very future of New Eternis itself! Waking far from their burning villages and mourning parents, the children of New Eternis find themselves in the care of the vile Granny Snake Face. Known for her cruel methods, Granny Snake Face uses her frightful visage and other torments to transform the innocent into loyal soldiers for the Snake God armies – for fear of unleashing her “bad side” if they disappoint their dear Granny! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Diamond-Bak” – When the armies of the Snake Gods ravage the lands of New Eternis, they do so at the command of their general – the monstrous Diamond-Bak! Striking out with his powerful and deadly Beta-Rattle, Diamond-Bak craves nothing more than the approval of his king and father, and will stop at nothing less than the total decimation of both the Masters and the Evil Legion of Warriors! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“KaSaad the Lashor” – Those who defy the Snake Gods may find themselves deep in the torture prisons of the sadistic KaSaad the Lashor. Known for paralyzing his foes with a vicious lash from his venomous tongue, this Snake God possesses an array of devices in his Den of Pain that is rivaled only by his appetite for the screams of his victims! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Sssteppenwrap” – Those who manage to escape the legions of Diamond-Bak’s armies now face the expert hunting skills of the Snake Gods resident Hunts-Serpent – the cunning Sssteppenwrap! Utilizing expert tracking skills along with his Vibro-Ax, Sssteppenwrap traps his prey in the coils of his powerful arms to drag them back to the pits of Mount Apokolips – wrapped up and ready to deliver to the feet of his lord and master – King Dark-Hiss! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“King Dark-Hiss” – Once lord and ruler over all of New Eternis until he was imprisoned in the Source Pit deep below his fortress, King Dark-Hiss desires nothing more than to destroy all hope in the Multiverse. Believing the Multiverse to be as cold and unforgiving as he, King Dark-Hiss seeks to find a way to release Serpos, the Snake God of Anti-Life, to consume all life as we know it. The Masters and the Evil Legion of Warriors believed their combined efforts could defeat the Snake Gods, only to find that Dark-Hiss could transform into his Omega Form and take them on - all on his own! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Para-Serpents” – Regrouping after their loss at the hands of King Dark-Hiss, the remaining Masters and Evil Warriors retreat across New Eternis to regroup and reassess how to defeat the Snake Gods. As they plot a way to save the planet, the skies over New Eternis fill with swarms of Para-Serpents – legions of loyal airborne soldiers, powered by ancient Snake God technology. Separated and scattered, the heroes and villains begin to find new recruits to add in their campaign against the cruel Snake Gods. |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Red-Cyclone” – Scouring the far reaches of New Eternis to find allies in the war against the Snake Gods, the refugee Masters found their way into the mist covered isles of the ancient and deserted city of Anwat Gar. There, they found a sentient mechanical guardian left behind by the last of the Tomorrow Monks, capable of controlling and creating powerful tornadoes and cyclones. With his masters no longer living, the aimless android decided to join the Masters with his mastery over all air and winds as the Red Cyclone! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Jits-Al Ghul” – Seeking out new allies, Skellex made his way into the heart of the Sands of Fire to make peace with an old adversary. Older than most could recall, the warlord Jits-Al Ghul would often replenish his life force in the mystic Lazarus Flame as he ruled over his lands and waged his war against those he thought unfit to inherit New Eternis. Also known as the Demon’s Claw, Jits-Al Ghul enters into an uneasy alliance with the Masters and Evil Warriors until the day that his Living Shadows can rise up and take back New Eternis for their immortal leader! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Champion of Steel” – With the He-Man of Steel and the Masters scattered across New Eternis seeking new allies, the Royal Palace was left overwhelmed against roving Para-Serpent squadrons. Inspired by the heroic actions of the He-Man of Steel, inventor and engineer Henraenius created his own exo-suit and weaponry to clamp down on the slithery squads of Snake Gods at the Palace Gates. Now whosoever threatens the Royal Palace faces – the Champion of Steel! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Sines-Glo” – Knowing that he could not resist drinking in the fear that now gripped New Eternis, Skellex summoned the evil Sines-Glo to aid in the battle against the Snake Gods. Once a warrior for the Trollan Guardians, Sines-Glo gave his life seeking out the all-powerful Ring of Fear – only to find that the ring captured his spirit into a new terrifying ghostly form! Now possessing the power of pure glowing terror, Sines-Glo seeks to strike fear into all those who oppose him! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Clawtrocitus” – After the Trollan Guardians first experimental wave of Manhuntorbs decimated his home planet and imprisoned the few survivors on the island planet of Ysmaultos, crab-dragonus warrior Clawtros gave himself over to the Rage of the Red to exact revenge! Sacrificing the last surviving members of his race to form his red Power Ring, he renamed himself Clawtrocitus and now scours the Infinite Earths to bring those engulfed in their own rage into his boiling blood-spewing armada! Entering into an uneasy alliance with Sines-Glo and the Evil Warriors of Doom, Clawtrocitus waits for the day when he catch the Trollan Guardian Ork-Oa in his massive claw! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Liz-Atom” – In their travels across New Eternis, the members of the Snake Gods resistance find the strangest new allies – like the incredible Liz-Atom! A member of the Reptos race, staunch adversaries of the Snake Gods, this young inventor was able to harness the power of the Diamond Dwarf Star of Disappearance to shrink his molecules to a sub-atomic level. Using his incredible powers, this loyal new ally can appear and disappear at will by shrinking himself to miniscule sizes and knock out his enemies with his atomic power punches! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Rio-Lobo” – The war against the Snake Gods attracts attention from across the Infinite Earths, even for the most opportunistic mercenaries willing to fight for the highest bidders! Rumored to have once been a peaceful Space Dolphin rancher in the Czarnian galaxy until he found himself the last of his race (having been decimated under suspicious circumstances), the warrior known as Rio-Lobo boasts a penchant for violence and the weaponry to fulfill it! With a self-healing biology that allows him to have multiple cybernetic firearms and cannon integrated into his body without damage, Rio-Lobo decides to waive his usual fees just for a chance to frag as many cold-blooded snakes as he can! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Black Urchin” – Rising up from his massive undersea cavern base, the master weapon-maker and plunderer known as the Black Urchin seeks the opportunity to gain from the spoils of the Snake Gods enslavement of New Eternis! Not much is known of this deadly genius, save for his cold, calculating mind and innovative but deadly weapon creation, but his sleek armor and glowing eyes hide a fearsome foe – ready to skewer anyone who crosses him with his massive trident |
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“Admiral Icer” – One of the newest recruits to Skellex’s Evil Warriors, the criminal known as Admiral Icer possesses the ability to generate and control pure ice! Once a petty thief in New Eternis until he developed a super weapon that transformed his body into living ice, the Admiral has been sent to a massive weather station in the North to amplify his powers of cold to freeze the Snake Gods dead in their tracks! |
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“Killer-Punch” – Escaping a mass break-out on the moon of Phantos, the criminal known as Killer-Punch was considered a joke on his home planet until he was outfitted with a cybernetic arm capable of a launching a powerful punch and a set of high-flying wings. Unknown on New Eternis, Killer-Punch seeks to create a new reputation among the evil-doers with his dive bombing power punches and his Cocoon Ray! |
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“Fang-Shark” – The hulking brute known as Fang-Shark (due to his abnormally large “fang” teeth) cruises the depth of the darkest seas in search of the magical Dial of Time – a mystical artifact that can propel its user through time itself! His father, the King of All Dragon-Sharks, once served Skellex until a plot by the diabolical sorcerer trapped the warrior forever in the ancient days of New Eternis. Loyal only to his legacy, Fang-Shark enters into a grudging alliance with the Masters and the Evil Warriors of Doom to defeat the Snake Gods – all the while searching for the artifact that can rescue his King and reclaim the oceans of New Eternis! |
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“Mong-Or the Spoiler” – Arriving in his massive Warren World ship high above New Eternis, the mad planet plunderer known as Mong-Or the Spoiler seeks out worlds in the Multiverse to ravage and drain of their resources! Primarily collecting the planet’s life forms to fight in his gladiator games, Mong-Or also has been known to use the strange creatures he imprisoned on the colony of Draedus to trap his victims in a utopian mindscape – fulfilling their greatest dreams while he ravages their world for his own gain! |
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“Mirokklon” – Despite all of their new allies, the combined forces of the Masters and the Evil Warriors of Doom find themselves on the eve of defeat by the armies of the Snake Gods. Suddenly, in a brilliant explosion of light and sound, the Comet Warriors appear to turn the tide! Though one of the younger Comet Warriors but still eager to fight, Mirokklon escaped the clutches of Granny Snake-Face as a child and now seeks to free all of her captives. Using his Meteor Box-enhanced armor, Mirokklon is a master at escaping danger! |
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“Sto-Rion” – Leading the Comet Warriors into battle against the Snake Gods, the “Rock of War”, Sto-Rion, possesses a keen battle intellect and a fearsome temper. Little do his allies know that his temper originates from his secret blood relation to his father, the mad despot King Dark-Hiss, and must be kept in check by his powerful Meteor Box and Comet Armor lest he be consumed with madness! |
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“Big Boulda” – Once the leader of Granny Snake-Face’s Venomous Vipresses, Big Boulda fought her way out of Mount Apokolips to be with true love, the young Comet Warrior Mirokklon. Now one of the most powerful members of the resistance army, Big Boulda uses her Astro Armor and Meteor Rod to roll over the Snake God’s armies! |
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“Zotron” – As a Cosmic Enforcer, the all-powerful Zotron had sworn to remain neutral in all cosmic conflicts. However, with King Dark-Hiss on the verge of unleashing the Snake God of Anti-Life, Zotron had no choice but to aid the resistance or risk the Multiverse itself being consumed! Using the power of his Cosmic Key Chair, Zotron informs the He-Man of Steel that the secret to defeating the Snake Gods lies in the past – in the secrets of an ancient sorcerer named Kelthor! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Trigator” – The He-Man of Steel arrives in the past of Preternis only to find the countryside terrorized by the monstrous giant, Trigator! Once the ruler of his own hellish dimension, the towering demon became bound by Snake God technology to serve the evil King Dark-Hiss, and now seeks to end Kal-El’s search for Kelthor before it even begins! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
Titanta” – Once the subject of cruel experiments by the Snake God KaSaad to make her grow to enormous size, the mighty giantess known as Titanta broke free of her serpentine captors and joined the first resistance against the tyrant King Dark-Hiss. Arriving just in time to aid the He-Man of Steel in his battle against the monstrous Trigator, Titanta pledged to aid Kal-El in defeating the Snake Gods, and led him to the resistance headquarters to meet the mysterious hero who was rallying the people of Preternis against the Snake Gods! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Marv-Ro” – Orphaned during the early siege of Preternis, young William learned quickly to fend for himself and defend others from the legions of Para-Serpents. He soon found companionship in the old wizard, Shazdor, who dwelled in the all-powerful Tower of Eternity. When the Tower was destroyed by King Dark-Hiss, the injured Shazdor took the last remaining piece of the Tower and placed it inside a specially crafted staff for William. Now, by opening the staff and calling upon the wizard’s name, young William can become Marv-Ro – Preternis’ most powerful champion! Leading the resistance against the Snake Gods, Marv-Ro agrees to help the time-displaced Kal-El, and they race to find the only other being who may know of the secrets of Kelthor!
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths](
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Black Dragon” – Second only to Marv-Ro himself, the mysterious masked sorcerer known as the Black Dragon commands a darker version of the magic that Shazdor once harnessed. Rumored to have been a simple shinobi warrior and one of Shazdor’s original pupils until he was corrupted by entering the Tower of the Seven Sins, the Black Dragon is a stealthy foe who strikes with deadly lightning weapons and ferocious power! Knowing that the Black Dragon is attuned to the black magic of Preternis, Marv-Ro and Kal-El bargain to let the silent foe lead them to his fellow dark sorcerer – Kelthor! |
![Masters of infinite Earths Masters of infinite Earths]( |
“Kelthor” – One of most brilliant sorcerers in Preternis, Kelthor was one of the founders of the fledgling city of New Eternis until he was banished for experimenting with dark magic. Arriving with the Black Dragon, Marv-Ro and Kal-El propose to Kelthor to bind their magic together to finally defeat and imprison King Dark-Hiss deep beneath Mount Apokolips. Taking a sample of Kal-El’s Kryptonian blood, the last rock of the Tower of Eternity from Marv-Ro’s staff, and infusing the powers of the Black Dragon as well as his own, Kelthor creates the perfect weapon – a material he names the “Kryptodite Crystals”, after his new ally. But how will they deliver this final weapon to Mount Apokolips? |
Che ve ne pare? Per me, solo con Stridor in versione cavalluccio marino ha già vinto tutto...
Ammetto che mi piacerebbe vedere anche i membri della "Arkham Horde", magari mashati con i nemici di Batman, ma sembra che per ora la serie si sia interrotta. Peccato!
Il sito di CJEdwards
Tutti i miei post sui Masters of the universe
Il Moro
Splendidissima galleria, mi piacciono le idee dell'autore. La Torre del Serpente è fighissima.
RispondiEliminaSì, sono tutte molto ispirate!
EliminaSe li vede la DC ci fa una miniserie di 15 numeri.
RispondiEliminanascondiamoli allora, che di universi paralleli in DC ne hanno già anche troppi! 😁
EliminaOddio ma tutto questo è meraviglioso!!! Genialità in ogni disegno, le parole si sprecano davanti a tutto ciò. Mi sono rifatto gli occhi!!!
EliminaAlcuni non stonerebbero davvero come veri Masters (mi piace anche lo stile utilizzato!), ma cavolo... Poison Ivy va con Moss Man o Evilseed, non con Evl Lyn!!! :)
In effetti sarebbe stato più giusto... 😄
EliminaMA almeno è un personaggio che conosco, non ne ho riconosciuti mezzi della DC!